List of supported OS:

  • oraclelinux8 (gcc)
  • oraclelinux9 (gcc, clang)
  • rockylinux8 (gcc)
  • rockylinux9 (gcc, clang)
  • ubuntu2004 (gcc, clang)
  • ubuntu2204 (gcc, clang)
  • ubuntu2404 (gcc, clang)

Note that Ubuntu18.04 has reached the end of its life and the support has been dropped.

Support for “Number of tokens on a place”:

The GPI-Space Petri-nets provide the “number of tokens” extension: Petri-Nets are able to observe the number of tokens that are currently placed on a place.

The connection type connect-number-of-tokens can be used to bind the number of tokens on a place to a port of type unsigned long. Please see share/doc/ for more details.

API CHANGEs and deprecations:

  • GPI-Space has enabled c++17 across the code base and also in the public interfaces. This implies that the minimum required GCC compiler version has increased to 8.5.

  • The Petri net compiler pnetc now includes --std=c++17 in the flags used to compile the generated wrapper code. It used to be --std=c++14 before.

  • Use of some Boost classes has been deprecated (variant, optional, filesystem::path) and their STL counterparts are used instead. This is part of a bigger effort that has the goal to finally get rid of the dependency to the Boost library.

    Applications can still use the Boost interfaces. At some places existing codes might not be 100% compatible. One example is the use of the program options validation classes: Explicit casts to either boost::filesystem::path of std::filesystem::path might be required and code that looked like

       auto const path
         { (option::hostfile).as (po::nonempty_file)()};

    now becomes

       auto const path
         { static_cast<std::filesystem::path>
             ( (option::hostfile).as (po::nonempty_file)())
  • util-generic/nest_exceptions has been deprecated: Please unroll the corresponding codes: What was

          ( fun
          , ctor_args

    now becomes

        catch (...)
          std::throw_with_nested (Ex {ctos_args});

    To write it that way make it more explicit what happens and avoid issues with opening a new scope within fun.

Misc: Use Spack for Eureka SelfTest

  • The README instructions were updated to use a Spack installation of GPI-Space.

  • libssh2@1.11.0 and beyond broke their build API by changing how their library targets work. This MR introduces a compatibility layer to ensure smooth working with older and newer versions of libssh2.d

  • The support for colored cmake strings has been removed.